Introduction to general configuration


⇒ In this section you will have access to the system settings. To reach the general configuration follow the steps as shown in the image bellow. You will find that this module is divided in 10 different sections that will be explained bellow the next image:



General: This group of settings will allow you to configure general items such as Company info, User permissions, add, edit or delete services, currencies, measure Units, countries and cities associated to your rates. You can also add or edit Cargo Status, kind of packing and Holding reasons related to your Cargo. And finally some additional options such as News, P.A Customs and Access log will let you manage your internal activities. 

• Air Cargo: These settings will allow you to create or edit items associated to your air cargo process such as Airlines, Cargo type, Airports and Air rates. 

• Agency: With the agency settings you will be able to search or edit agencies already created or create new agencies. You can also edit or add insurance and duties agreed with the agencies or copy rates, duties and insurance from an agency to another in case you need it. 

• Additional charges: This option will allow you to add or edit additional charges to your services. 

• Maintenance: This group of settings will allow you to delete documents and records such as senders and consignees information managed by the administrator.  

• V-POBOX: Throught this option you can internally  create a V-POBOX

• Business Accounts:  This module is one of the main advantages of CBONE Plus since it will give preferential access to your customers to track their waybills. You can also edit customized rates to these business accounts, as well as adding, search, edit account information or copy rates between accounts. 

• Sea Cargo: These settings will allow you to create or edit items associated to your sea cargo process such as Sea Carriers information, Sea cargo type, Ports, and Ocean rates. 

• Carrier: These options will let you add or edit the carriers information such as personal information, rates and insurance. 

• Others: In the last box you will find options to change the system password and printer settings