7. Find Courier Consolidates

7.1 When you have already created a consolidation and you need search for one, you should go to the module Courier and select the option Find Courier Consolidates, as following: 

 7.2 The next window will be displayed. The camps are not mandatory, you may choose which one of those you will fill according to your searching needs. In the next example we selected a date range of a consolidation created, we also selected a country to make the searching more specific; but if you want to search by a master AWB you can do it. The idea is to find the search that fits to your needs. Look at the image below to understand the steps:

7.3 After clicking on Search, as a result you will see a list of consolidated that will appear bellow the searching bar according to your options.  To edit one of those,  you need  do click on the icon pencil to open it, as shown bellow:

7.4 As last step ,the next window will give you the option to open the consolidation, you will be able to edit the information, add new courier waybills and make some changes with the option menu explained previously. Do not forget to close the consolidated once you finish. As shown below: