5. Waybills by Date Report

5.1 This option will help you to generate a  date report that will show the amount of money that corresponds to both the central agency and the agency selected. You can create it by following the next steps:

 5.2 As you can see in the following image, the searching box will allow you to filter the information in different ways. You can filter waybills by selecting the options Held and Date report according to your needs. This searching can also be filtered by a range of Date or a range of Waybills. Finally click on Go to see the report.

5.3 This is the report generated by the system. As you can see at the end of the document, there is a Total Debit, this amount  is the money that corresponds to the central agency with insurance and freight included.

Remember that the central agency corresponding amount is previously configured in the section "Configuration/Agency/Edit agency".

This one is an example of a date report. That is the information included in a date report.