3.Search WHR

3.1 In this section you will learn to search for warehouse receipts previously created . To start you need click on the Cargo section and then click on Search WHR, as shown bellow:

3.2 This module will display several options for your searching such as master AWB, creation date, sender or recipient. These filters are used individually however you can use more than one. After filtering the information as you need click on Search as last step. Below the searching bar , the list of warehouse receipts will appear. You can visualize the warehouse details by clicking on the warehouse receipt number.

If you click on the excel icon, you may export the warehouse receipt into a file excel. In the right side of the listing you will see the current status of the warehouse receipt as shown below:

 3.3 Next, the following screen will be displayed. The menu box located in the right side will allow you to make changes, these options are explained below the image:


⇒Declared Value: only shows if destination country has been configured

Print: Waybill print with values, print label, or label with only barcode

Void: Void the waybill and leave all values at 0

Cancel: If you wish to cancel the waybill

Edit: You can edit values or add packages

Recalculate: Must click in order to recalculate once an edit has been made

Hold: If you wish to hold the waybill

Additional charges: Add additional charges

New Status: add a new status to the waybill

Adjust payment: Adjust form of payment

New HAWB: create new HAWB

View Pay: view date, time and amount of payment of the guide at the time

Weight history: records weight changes that the waybill has gone through from the moment of creation to the entry at the agency

Add Document: You can attach supporting document or image