2. User Permissions 


2.1. One of the main advantages of CBONE Plus is the unlimited amount of users that you can create, in that way you can assign one user to each employee according to their roles. The purpose of this is having a high control regarding the management and security system. We recommend to assign the permission "Create Users" only to one user so the control regarding the access to the system can be higher. 

In this section you will be able to create or delete users as well as editing permissions of users already created. To reach these options click on Configuration Icon and then click on User Permissions as shown bellow:

 ⇒ The following screen will be immediately displayed:

2.2  In order to create new  users click on Create New User and the next screen will be shown. In the first part fill out the user information required. Then check the permissions boxes that you will allow according to the user role and finally click on Create. Click on Agency permissions to activate permission only for agencies. Click on All permissions to check all boxes , as shown in the following example:






2.4 On the other hand, if you only want to edit user permissions, go back to the first step on Users permission section. As next step, look for the agency that the user is under and click on Show users, by doing this, the system will show up all the users that belong to the agency selected. Then click on the Pencil Icon to edit an user or the Trash Icon to delete an user as shown bellow:



2.5 If you click on the pencil to edit, the information user will be immediately open, as last step edit the information and click on Update as shown bellow: