⇒ To start using ControlBox CBone you must insert the company data required in this section, the purpose it is use the information to personalize the entire sistem, also you can upload the company`s logo and write the terms and conditions that will be appear in the commercial invoice, email notification, courier waybill and label.
1. Insert Company Data
1.1 The first step is insert the company data, you must follow the instructions as show the following screen:
1.2 On this screen you must insert every camp according to your company data. Whitout leaving any camp in blank.
→The Company Name is printed out in reports and waybills.
→The Freight Forwarding Code (FFW) is the internal company code assigned by the system.
→In the Receipts message you must write the terms and conditions, it will be printed out in the waybills and the WHR (Warehouse Receipts).
→The Cons starts or assign the number of bound, also shows the number of current consolidated
→The DAWB allow to assign the start number of the guide (waybill) HAWB
1. 3 Now you are available to update the information,this is the last step.
2. Upload the company logo
⇒ ControlBox allows your company logo can be seen in some websites where your customers has access, as show the following screens:
(This is available in the full version) (This is available in the full version)
(This is available in the full version)
⇒In addition the courier waybill also can have the logo, but it depens if you configurated it how explain the manual in the waybill section. (Pag XX)
2.1 To upload the company logo you must click settings, choose the module "maintenance" and the option "administrator only" as show the following screen:
2.2 After the last step, in the bottom of the screen you will find the option to upload the logo, now just click on it and upload the logo selecting the file on your computer and that will be enough to upload the logo.
3. Edit My Agency Information
⇒ To start using the system you should create the Agency where you will have the main control of the transactions and movements, being this one the Main Agency.
You could also create other agencies who will recieve freight to the main Agency, how explain the manual in the Agency section.Pag (XX) (This is available in the full version)
3.1 Following the next steps you will easily create the agency:
3.2 Here you must to type "My Agency" in the blank field and click on the button search, doing this the system will show you the Agency previously configurated by it, the next step is click on the pencil gif to edit the Agency information:
3.3 Now in the following screen you must insert all the information of the Agency required by the system, some of the required fields are explained below:
Edit the information as necessary:
→Own: If selected, the commsions will not be split between agency and company, everything is for the company.
→Active: If the agency is functioning and can receive cargo.
→Blocked: If selected, they cannot access the system.
→HQ: If selected, the agency is a headquarters that can be in charge of various agencies.
→Depends of HQ: Here you must select the headquarters that the agency belongs to, in case the HQ is the agency make sure to select the same agency.
→Credit: Amount that is allowed to be held as credit, the number 0 signifies an indefinite amount.
→No rates: Courier allows you to create waybills with values equal total.
→Allow COD: (COD= Cash OnDelivery) If selected allows the agency to create waybills that won´t be collected at source, instead collected at destination.
→Discount %: Assign an overall discount rate applied on each applied fee, this discount only applies on the commission appointed in agency fees.
→Discount Ad char%: Assign an overall discount rate applied on each applied fee, this discount only applies on additional charges.
3.4 After to Update the information if you type the Agency Name created in the last step, this one will be appear below the search bar and that is going to be the Agency of your company.
4. How create Rates
⇒ Before to create rates you must insert the services for wich the agency charge customers.
4.1 As show the following screen you should select in configuration the module Services to edit it:
4.2 To edit the services previously configurated by the system, you must to click on the numbers located on the left side of the screen; doing this the system allows to edit the service selected. When you already configurated those services and you need add a new service just click on the button "add" and you could create it. As show the following screen.
4.3 Next you must to edit the information according to the service that you are going to charge, first click on edit and after in the new page you will find all the blanks fields about the service, below are some desciptions of it.
→ID: Number of internal reference service cannot assign or change
→SERVICE: Name of service
→DESCRIPTION: Aditional information about the service
→SERVICES GROUP: Is appointing various services with the same group name , this can be selected at the time of creating a consolidated and filter only certain services can be consolidated
→FFW: Indicates the name of the company, cannot be changed
→QB1: Fields used for reference when ControlBox integrates with accounting software
→ "Mon" "Tus"...: You must to select the days that service is avaiable
4.4 After to insert the necessary services, is time to create the rates. Going back to the 3.4 step (After to create the agency), you must to click on rates, this will show the way to do it:
4.5 When the system show you this section, you must insert the blanks fields according the rates that you are going to create, after to fill it you have to "add" the rate and below you wil see the agency and the new rate created. This is the last step to start creating a courier waybill.
Every required field it will be explained it below of the following screen:
→ COUNTRY: Destination country of the cargo
→ ZONE: Geographic zone where the cargo is going, these zones can be configured in the creation of the cities of each country
→ SERVICE: The type of services provided that were created in configuration/services
→ CURRENCY: Currency to charge in
→ MEASUREMENT: Measurement to chrage in
→ INSURANCE: If selected at the moment creating a Courier waybill the cargo will be required to have insurance
→ DUTIES: If selected at the moment of creating a Courier waybill, a declared value is mandatory to calculate duties
→ DIMENSIONAL: If selected, the values in "From" and "To" will be taken into account as cubic feet and the value of the cargo will be calculated depending on the volume of the same cargo
→ CHARGE DIFFERENCE: If selected, the difference will be charged between the physical weight and volumetric weight of the load; the larger of two weights will be charged, if it is not configured globally go to settings/configuration
→ ONLY ADDITIONAL CHARGE: If selected, only the values $Ad.Age and $Ad will be charged
→ FROM: Beginning range to be charged in Lb, Kg or cubic feet
→TO: Ending range to be charged in Lb, Kg or cubic feet
→ INITIAL: The number of Lb, Kg or cubic feet that will be taken into account for the initial or minimum amount to be charged (Ex. If you fee is from 1 to 20 Lb with a minimum charge of 4 Lb in the initial tex box you have to enter 4 and then put the value charged for the first 4 pounds)
→$INI.AGE: This is the cash value that corresponds to the agency for the first X pounds set in the "Initial" field
→$INI.: This is the cash value that corresponds to the company for the first X pounds set in the "Initial" field
→$AD.AGE: This is the money value to the agency for each Lb, Kg or cubic feet this was the "initial" value to be charged
→$AD.: This is the cash value that corresponds to the company for each Lb, Kg or additional cubic feet outside the value "initial"
→$FIX.AGE: This is the cash value that corresponds to the agency and is fixed regardless of the values "from" and "to"
→$FIX:This is the cash value that corresponds to the company and is fixed regardless of the values "from" and "to"
→FIX: Is the description of the fixed charge that is made in the tariff, and come out on the receipt / waybill for each client. (Ex. Send SMS)
→DIF.AGE: This is the cash value that corresponds to the agency and works only if the option to "charge difference" is selected. This value is multiplied by the result of the physical volumetric weight less weight if greater than zero.
→DIF.: This is the cash value that corresponds to the company and works only if the option to "charge difference" is selected. This value is multiplied by the result of the physical volumetric weight less weight if greater than zero.
5. How create a Waybill
Email notification to CBONE PLUS
If you decided send an email notification to your clients who wants to know where his package is in real time, through a courier waybill; you are available to do it, besides you have the possibility to change options as ID name, the subject and the emailbody from the option "Template notification configuration" as show the following screen.
To configurate every part of the email you must select each number on the left side and edit the infomation. Do this with the ID name, the subject and the emailbody. Don`t forget save after edit to keep the new modifications. The following screen will show you those steps.
In the future if you need make changes in the email notification, you must follow the last steps again .