1.Company's Info

 1.1 This section will allow you to configure your company's general information such as Company name and terms and conditions which will be used in different parts of your ControlBox system. In order to edit your company's info follow the steps as shown bellow:

 1.2 Then, the next screen will be displayed. Fill every blank with the information required, once you finish click on Update. You will find the blanks explained bellow the next image: 


Company Name: This name is printed out in reports, waybills and the website access tab of your browser as shown in the following example:


Terms and conditions: You must place these terms that will be printed out on Waybills and WHR.

FFW: Freight forwarding code is an internal company code assigned by the system

Cons: Start or assign the number of bound also shows the number of current consolidated

DAWB: Assign an specific waybill number to start a HAWB