
3.1 In this section you can add, edit or delete the services offered by your company; the purpose of having different services is create different fees for each one. You can also configure the days of the week that the service is available, this is  extremely useful when you have a special offer. To reach this section, follow the steps as shown in the following image: 



3.2 Once you click on Services, the next screen will be displayed. You will see a list by default with the services already created. Click on Add to create a new service or click on the Number located on the left side of the service to edit it, as shown bellow:



3.3 If you are going to add a service the next screen will be shown. Fill out the blank fields according to the service information, then click on Save to finish. Some of the fields are explined bellow: 


ID: Number of internal reference service assigned automatically by the system. It cannot be changed. 

FFW: Indicates the name of the company, it cannot be changed.

QB1: Fields used for reference when ControlBox is integrated with an accounting software.

DATE FROM - DATE TO: Dates are chosen from when to start to operate the service and until when the service ends. It is used specially for promotions. 


3.4 In case you want to edit a service, just click on the number service as shown in step 3.2. Once you do it, click on Edit and next you will be able to Edit, Add or Delete the service, as shown bellow: