6. Countries 

 6.1 In this section you can create or edit the countries to which you will be making your shipments. To access to the country settings, follow the steps as shown bellow:

 6.2 Once you access to countries settings, the next screen will be displayed. Here you can create a new city or edit an existing city. You will see a list by default of existing counties in wich you can edit or delete a country as shown below:



6.3 Edit a country: When  you click on the Pencil Icon as shown in the previous image, the next screen will be displayed. Edit the necessary information and click on Update. Some items are explained bellow:


Name: name of the country that is being created

Code: ISO 3166 code 

Weight min: minimum weight allowed to be sent

Weight max: maximum weight allowed for consolidate into a country

Comment: Add additional notes for the country 

Cargo: This number is the maximun weight considered as Courier. From this number on, this weight will be considered as Cargo. 

QB1: Fields used for reference when ControlBox is integrated with an accounting software.