From WHR to house AWB
When you want WHR to be transported by air the following menu creates a House AWB from one or various WHR.
Createwaybill: creates receipts from WHR to waybills to invoice and send cargo
Create house air waybill from selection: Selecting WHR you can create HAWB
Create WHR: Convert one or two waybills to another WHR
WHR: warehouse receiptforadmissionand registration ofcargo in the warehouse
Account: Associate HAWB to a specific account, and accounts created in the system
Select various house AWB to make a master waybill
PDF: gives the option to print master AWB double or simple, also print cargo manifest and the detailed manifest
Print daughter waybill: to printthe waybillsto bemadeto the accompanyingpackages
After savingget AWB's listwhere we canprint the documentation